This is who I am and what I do
Yousra Benkirane is a 2022 Florida International University Graduate. She is a Moroccan American First Generation immigrant who decided to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and two minors in Political Science and Public Administration to expand her global consciousness. Additionally, she has obtained Peace Corp Prep and Modern Languages certificates. Aside from her studies, Yousra was heavily involved in multiple extracurricular activities and leadership roles. These include Model United Nations, Co-Director for Alternative Breaks, Sigma Iota Rho, and the Global Learning Program. These initiatives have allowed her to pursue two prestigious internships with USAID and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Yousra is also a part of FIU's Public Policy and Administration research team. She is currently writing a manuscript highlighting the 4 E's of Good Governance and what it means to Generation Z. She has presented her research at multiple conferences with her team. Yousra plans to enter the professional workforce to promote international development and pursue a master's degree in International Development and Economics in the near future.